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Police: woman critical after shooting in Paget

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Darrin Simons, the Commissioner of Police, leads an update this afternoon on a gun attack last night on the island’s roads (Photograph by Akil Simmons)

A woman is in critical condition at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital after she and a male passenger were shot at on Tuesday night while they were on a motorcycle in Paget.

The incident happened at about 11.10pm on South Road near Stowe Hill.

At a press conference yesterday, Detective Chief Inspector Clifford Roberts said that officers arrived at the scene to find members of the public providing first aid to a woman.

The woman, in her early twenties, had sustained multiple gunshot wounds and was lying in the roadway next to a motorcycle.

EMTs began life-saving measures before taking her to King Edward VII Memorial Hospital for emergency treatment of injuries that, as of this afternoon, were still considered life-threatening.

The victim’s condition was said to be “critical”.

Mr Roberts said that the woman and a male pillion passenger had been travelling west on South Road when they were “set upon and shot at by two persons on a dark-coloured motorcycle”.

The attackers were initially travelling in the same direction.

Mr Roberts said that the woman crashed her vehicle and her passenger ran off.

A gunman then “fired multiple shots” before fleeing the scene, travelling east.

Police said it was not known whether the pillion passenger, who left the scene before the arrival of officers, was injured.

Mr Roberts said that police could not confirm whether the victims were targeted.

“We cannot confirm or deny that they were targets. However, we are actively pursuing every and any bit of line of inquiry.”

Darrin Simons, the Commissioner of Police, decried the “abhorrent” attack, saying it was “the third such incident in the past two months”.

“Tragically, the previous two incidents ended in the loss of lives, including of a woman.”

Mr Simons said such criminal acts “have no place in our community”.

“The reckless, callous use of firearms and the wanton disregard for human life displayed is utterly unacceptable — and we all need to share this view.”

The police chief vowed that “the safety and wellbeing of our community is our No 1 priority”, recognising that the attacks “give rise to concern”.

He noted: “When the community is involved, policing works better.”

Asked whether the attack was considered to be gang-related, Mr Simons said the island was “past” separating its firearms incidents, which typically came with “a gang component”.

“Not every single time, but it’s the vast majority,” he said.

Mr Simons added: “Certainly we are in that space.”

Asked whether the Bermuda Police Service would be ramping up patrols in light of the latest gun-related incident, he said: “We are definitely committed to high-visibility patrol, being in the areas that we need to be.”

Mr Simons said that, based on intelligence, “we are aware that people are alive to the fact that we are out there and our presence causes them to think about what they may wish to do differently”.

He added: “In the lead-up to this weekend, with the Cup Match holiday, it’s definitely an all-hands-to-the-wheel kind of event, so people are going to see far more police officers during patrol duties where the public is likely to be found over the holiday season.”

Mr Simons said he felt “quite confident that the police will keep people safe”.

Asked whether the police were in talks with the Government about improving the service’s staffing levels, Mr Simons said: “We are engaged in a number of conversations between the Ministry of National Security and Government House.”

He said that for now the BPS had not requested further assistance, but expressed confidence that the ministry was “working hard with us to ensure our staffing levels get to where it needs to be”.

Anyone with information on the attack is asked to contact Acting Detective Inspector Odessa Philip, of the Serious Crime Unit, on 717-2193 or e-mail ophilip@bps.bm.

The public can also call the independent and confidential Crime Stoppers number, 800-8477, or share the information with a familiar police officer.

Alternatively, information can be provided through the police Community Reporting Portal.

Tom Oppenheim, the Acting Governor, said he was “saddened and troubled to hear of another serious firearms incident this morning”.

He said the position regarding Britain’s assistance to the BPS had not changed.

Mr Oppenheim added: “The BPS have not yet made a request for UK intervention or assistance with these investigations.

“Should the BPS request assistance, this would, of course, be considered carefully.”

He said Britain, through Government House, continued to provide “a variety of operational and strategic support to the BPS in the normal course of business”.

He said the BPS continued to work “to deliver a safe and secure Bermuda over this important holiday season, and to ensure that those who break the law are held accountable through the criminal justice system”.

This morning, Scott Pearman, the One Bermuda Alliance MP, offered "heartfelt sympathy to all who have suffered because of what happened”.

He added: “The facts are still emerging and we need to await that outcome before rushing to any judgment.

“Subject to the release of more information, this is yet another in a series of tragic events, events where we as an island community are failing each other.

“Regardless of the specifics of this tragic event, the simple point is that violence in Bermuda will only stop when all of us decide it must stop.

“This is everyone’s problem. We must ask ourselves what is the future that we want for our island.”

Stand united, says Free Democratic Movement

The island’s third political party issued a statement on the island’s latest round of violence in a troubled summer.

The FDM “sends its sincere prayers and deepest sympathies to the two individuals affected by the recent shooting incident”.

“Bermuda’s future depends on our collective efforts to restore peace and stability. It is time for us, as a community, to support one another and to work towards a brighter, more secure future for our island.

“We call on all Bermudians to join us in this mission, to stand united against violence, and to contribute to the restoration of our cherished home.

“Together, we can overcome these challenges and ensure that Bermuda remains the safe and welcoming place we all know and love. We, the FDM, stand committed to work together with all parties for a peaceful Bermuda.”

Michael Weeks, the Minister of National Security, said he was “deeply saddened” by the incident and that his thoughts were with the family and friends of the woman who was shot.

He added: “This senseless act of violence is alarming. Our community deserves to feel safe and secure, and incidents like this only heighten the pressing need to combat gun violence.

“The Bermuda Police Service are investigating this incident and are appreciative of the support from those members of the public who have stepped forward to provide information.

“They are heartened by the public's willingness to do the right thing. I encourage anyone else with knowledge of this matter to reach out to the Bermuda Police Service or contact Crime Stoppers."

The minister said: “It's essential for all of us to contribute to ensuring that those responsible are brought to justice.

“If you see something, please say something.

“Let's work together to ensure each other's safety and wellbeing, not only during this Cup Match holiday but every day.”

UPDATE: this article has been updated with a comment from the Minister of National Security, the Acting Governor, Tom Oppenheim, and details from police