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Two-vehicle collision on Harbour Road in Warwick

A motorcyclist and pillion rider visiting the island were hurt in a collision with a car in Warwick yesterday afternoon, police said.

The BPS said the incident happened on Harbour Road, Warwick, west of the junction of Longford Road.

It was reported that the livery cycle rider and passenger suffered leg injuries that were not life-threatening.

A police spokesman added: “Harbour Road is currently closed in the area of the collision and traffic is being diverted at the junctions of Harbour Road and Tamarind Vale as well as Harbour Road and Longford Road.”

He said that the public could expect traffic delays.

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Published June 25, 2024 at 7:52 am (Updated June 25, 2024 at 7:52 am)

Two-vehicle collision on Harbour Road in Warwick

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