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Government launches youth work programme

Minister of Economy Patrice Minors speaks of the Job Corps Bermuda programme at the Fairmont Hamilton Princess hotel.

A Government programme designed to assist young people get the skills needed to hold down a full-time job was unveiled at a public meeting.The move comes only days after the release of a survey of the Island’s labour force, which found that 36 percent of Bermudians between the ages of 16 and 24 are unemployed.The Job Corps programme was designed to help that segment of the population, now recognised as the “fastest growing unemployed segment in Bermuda”.“Surely each of us know from perhaps our own personal association with our young people that many are challenged to find their place in the workforce,” said Economy Minister Patrice Minors at the programme’s launch.“The Government of Bermuda is actively engaged in responding to these challenges by aligning our public resources and making greater use of the private sector as a means of delivering better prepared young people.“Too often young adults who do not complete high school or, for whatever reason, do not pursue further education once they finish high school, tend to be insufficiently prepared for the workplace.”A number of industry partners, helping professionals and stakeholders turned out at the Fairmont Hamilton Princess where details on “the collective vision and responsibility for Bermuda’s young people” were given.“Our comprehensive and integrated strategy offers intervention at every level to support the personal growth of our young people and the long-term economic growth of our Island home,” said Ms Minors.“Not only is the Ministry of Education working with the private sector to deliver a Career Pathways Programme, but the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry will work with the private sector to deliver Job Corps Bermuda.”Job Corps Programme is a US initiative. Offered in more than 100 centres in 48 states it trains nearly 70,000 young people for employment each year and has earned a reputation as the premier training programme for disadvantaged young adults in America.A free programme designed to work in cooperation with employers, training providers and community organisations, Job Corps provides education and training to vulnerable young people to help them establish a career, earn a high school diploma or GED and find and keep a job.“Some of the participants will be those who have chosen to drop out of high school while others will be individuals who wish to further their education.“By consistently being responsive to employers’ demands and workforce needs Job Corps Bermuda will succeed by offering exceptional vocational and academic training to students,” Ms Minors said.Participants would benefit from instruction on “business and entrepreneurship, practical work experience and community involvement” and other training, she added.“Job Corps Bermuda aims to reduce barriers to employment for young people. It provides ongoing assessment and individualised service plans to assist with the transition to employment by offering workplace essential skills, safe work practices and exposure to occupations in the labour market,” Ms Minors said.“For the young men and young women who are out of school and out of work, Job Corps Bermuda will permit us to build on their talents and expose their potential, and prepare them for productive lives.“We need to see the young person not as a problem to be solved, but as a potential success needing some help along the way. We as Bermudians are not at liberty to decide whether or not to invest in skills training for our youth. We can’t choose not to address the reality for our young people.”She continued: “We can be and should be and will be especially proud of the nature of the commitments we are making. The success of Job Corps Bermuda will rest on the goodwill of our community, recognising that we are all part of the community and have something to give back.“This afternoon I am encouraging a partnership between all stakeholders to invest in our most precious and valuable commodity, our youth.”Ms Minors introduced Leon Thomas as the head of the new initiative.

Senior programme policy and programme manager Leon Thomas will lead the Job Corps Bermuda programme.
The Job Corps Bermuda programme logo.
‘It’s a community project’

Policy Analyst for the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Leon Thomas led the presentation on the new Job Corps Bermuda initiative yesterday.Once Job Corps Bermuda launches, a Ministry spokeswoman said a Programme Director with the appropriate skill sets will be appointed.He discussed the concept of the programme at length yesterday to the participants gathered.Mr Thomas said two of the key recommendations contained in the Mincy Report on young black males, one on the development of ‘Career Pathways’, which is currently being undertaken by the Ministry of Education.The other aspect of the report discussed was the recommendation for the establishment of Job Corps Bermuda.Mr Thomas addressed the breakdown of the family unit, and the importance of shoring up the ‘home unit’ in addressing the needs of young people who are falling through the cracks of the system.“The first element to ensuring the well-being of young people is ensuring that we have strong families, this is where it begins,” said Mr Thomas. “It doesn’t necessarily guarantee the success of a young person, but certainly the research does tell us that strength within the family increases the likelihood of success.“I believe that small business, whether its business in general, whether its our schools, whether its our traditional institutions, there is a need to strengthen what we currently have.“Certainly there has been a lot of effort to do that, but it goes hand in hand with what it is we are trying to devise,” he said.“What I see in the audience today is really the community by which the only way Job Corps can ultimately be a success. My view is that it's a community project. There’s no way something like this could be exclusive to Government contributions, we all have a role to play.“Our non-profits, our mentors, our volunteer organisations, our businesses all have a role to play in ensuring the success of Job Corps,” said Mr Thomas.He is leading the planning and development aspect of the programme although the start date of the programme is still to be determined.The next round of discussions will be held with young students suitable for the Job Corps Bermuda Programme.