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Cabinet clash

Deputy Premier Derrick Burgess

The kitchen confrontation between Deputy Premier Derrick Burgess and Cabinet Minister Michael Scott may seem to be nothing more than a minor diversion.Many people may see it as one more example of the often strange behaviour of politicians. Certainly it will have done the already low standing of politicians no good.And it is not as if Cabinet Ministers and politicians generally never disagree. History is littered with policy disagreements and personality clashes, even between politicians in the same party. Indeed, they can be more bitter than inter-party rivalries.But the kitchen confrontation is serious.The fact that two senior Cabinet Ministers — Mr Scott was Acting Premier this weekend in the absence of both Mr Burgess and Premier Paula Cox — had a physical altercation in the House of Assembly, brings Parliament and the Government into disrepute.Then too, the report that the altercation concerned allegations that Mr Burgess was trying to usurp Ms Cox is more than mere political gossip. Whether founded or not, the fact that such an allegation was made by one Cabinet Minister to another suggests that all is not well within the Government.That is of national importance since divisions within the Government have a direct impact on its ability to lead and manage the Country.Ms Cox has an obligation to tell the Country what happened.

Minister Michael Scott