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No more false dawns

Plans to move forward the development of Hamilton’s waterfront were announced yesterday.According to a press release a consultant has been retained and a lead development team has been appointed, however no decisions about what will be built have been made and no timescale has been given.Given previous talk about the waterfront that may be a wise move, and as we have seen elsewhere with large scale developments, promises have been made that, for whatever reason, have not been kept.As important as it is to get it right, it is just as important to get it moving. It is a prime space, the development of which will change the face of Hamilton.It will be a crucial hub around which new businesses will spring up and which can be marketed for the benefit of Bermuda as a whole.The fact that the Corporation of Hamilton is already seemingly at odds with a major stakeholder — Government which said it was not aware of any proposals until January 18 — does not bode well, although the release does say it will meet with Government in the future.This is perhaps the most important development for Bermuda as a revitalised capital can help to instil a feel good effect in the rest of the country. An investment in this project — which will total many millions of dollars — will also signal to the international community that the Island means business.No more false dawns please.