Socially unacceptable
How many times have you almost knocked down a ‘third laner’ trying to switch lanes? How many times have you experienced erratic driving because a motorist is too busy texting? How many times have you seen a mangled bike at the side of the road?The answer, unfortunately, is far too many and far too frequently.The standard of driving in Bermuda can, at best, be described as slapdash, at worst downright dangerous — to driver and other road users in their vicinity.It is beyond being self-assured, it is arrogant — and not just the arrogance of youth who have no fear of death, it is the arrogance of people who should know better that is most alarming.Police say drunk driving, speeding and driving with cell phones are key targets — three issues that appear to be of epidemic proportions in Bermuda despite previous road safety campaigns.There are two key issues: education and much more stringent road tests.Road safety campaigner Joseph Froncioni believes that a mandatory riders’ education course as part of the school curriculum is essential.And it is, but it is not just about instilling good driving habits at an early age, it is about changing a mindset that says it is OK to get hot and then jump on a bike. It is about making poor driving — whether due to alcohol or inattention — socially unacceptable.Earlier this month, an editorial stated: “Police statistics tell us the most common causes of accidents, so where is the hard-hitting, multi-agency backed campaign that concentrates the minds of all ages and all sexes? Where are the ‘in your face’ TV adverts?”Then there are the driving tests. If they are all like the one this writer experienced then it is no wonder that bad habits are prevalent on the Island’s roads. To be informed of passing the test successfully when earlier being told of speeding was, at best, a surprise.Enforcement is fine, but it does not address the underlying issue that the mindset needs to be changed and that standards must be driven up.Selective Traffic Enforcement Programme is a step in the right direction, but it is just that — a step.Nahki WellsIf ever Bermuda needs a role model it should turn to Nahki Wells for inspiration.Cast aside at an early stage of his career by Carlisle United, Nahki has trusted his skills and worked hard to get his career back on track at Bradford City.The pain of losing a cup final will soon diminish and will make him more determined to succeed. Don’t be surprised if we see this talented young man going far.Ÿ What do you think? E-mail acting Editor Jeremy Deacon, jdeacon@royalgazette.comŸ Follow me on Twitter: