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A head scratching saga

Grand Atlantic in Warwick((Photo by Akil Simmons)

This newspaper has been left (metaphorically speaking) scratching its head over the saga that has become the Grand Atlantic development.Part of the PLP’s worthy, but ultimately misguided, plan to give affordable housing to all. (Misguided because it contributed to a glut in the market which drove down prices anyway and left this development less desirable.)Then, of course, there is the little matter of what happened to the hotel that was meant to complement the housing? There has never been any sign of that happening.In the recent Budget, it was announced that the Bermuda Housing Corporation budget was being increased by 40 percent to pay for the interest on the Grand Atlantic development.Now we hear that the BHC cannot afford the financial strain and the development could be marketed overseas or changed to accommodate an alternative use. If it is sold, it is difficult to see in the current market how Government will recoup all the money invested in it.It is not clear why the BHC cannot afford the financial strain and it is to be hoped that if Government is successful in getting the Grand Atlantic off its books, that the extra money given to the BHC is diverted into good social programmes.But what to do with it? It looks like what it is, low cost housing units, uninviting for the tourist, but maybe institutional enough for, erm, well what? Fractionals to go with the hotel, if it is ever seen? The Minister talks of a low budget hotel or homes for seniors, even though there are no elevators.The Grand Atlantic is a housing white elephant and rapidly becoming a symbol of profligacy.Hindsight is a word that should be banned (who hasn’t got 20/20 vision with the benefit of hindsight) but Bermuda and its taxpayers have been left with a most prominent problem.* What do you think should be done with the Grand Atlantic development? E-mail acting Editor Jeremy Deacon jdeacon@royalgazette.com* Want to Tweet with me? Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/jeremydeacon1