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An open letter to the Mayor of Hamilton

The silence is deafening Mr Mayor. Corporation of Hamilton Mayor Graeme Outerbridge.

Dear Mr Mayor,The silence continues to be deafening, so here is a plea from us all: please explain to the public what is going on with the development of the Hamilton waterfront.To say that the whole thing appears rushed and secretive is an understatement.The public is angry — here is one typical comment on www.royalgazette.com: “Mayor Outerbridge get your act together, and stop your divisiveness. This project can bear fruit for which you can take credit, but it has to be done properly!”The Royal Gazette understands that you might be waiting for a Government response over the plans for the waterfront — but that is no excuse for not making all, or some of them, public in the first instance. Are there any commercially sensitive considerations? Please tell us.Mr Mayor, as former Public Works Minister Michael Weeks says — such an enormous decision to lease the waterfront property to the chosen developers should never have been made without extensive public consultation.Former PLP Minister Walter Roban was also quoted in The Royal Gazette as saying “one has to be concerned that the Government has not been included in any development arrangement or agreement with the Corporation of Hamilton, understanding also that there is a level of greater jurisdiction now since the Municipalities Act does give Government greater responsibility for the municipalities.”What the PLP say is important in this instance, Mr Mayor, as until recently they were in power. The fact that they know nothing adds to the sense that all this was rushed through.Mr Mayor, it is pretty staggering also that your own technical or managerial staff were not involved in any substantive way. That only adds to the air of secrecy.It is shabby treatment of the people who voted you into power and the people affected by these plans — and they are not just the people of Hamilton they are the people of Bermuda, such is the importance of this piece of real estate to the future of the Island.However, it is not too late. Our questions are still on the table, there is still time to hold a press conference to explain your decisions. But the longer it is left the worse it is going to be, the hole you have dug will grow bigger and the harder it will be to offer plausible explanations.As this newspaper said yesterday, the people have a right to know — even if it is for you tell us why you are saying nothing!* What do you think? E-mail acting Editor Jeremy Deacon — jdeacon@royalgazette.com* Want to Tweet with me? Follow me at https://twitter.com/jeremydeacon1