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Locals flock to meet two UK boarding school principals

Oundle School headmaster Charles Bush and Windlesham House School head Richard Foster

Bermudian parents see English boarding schools as a means to broaden their childrens’ horizons and introduce them to the outside world.This is the appraisal of two visiting headmasters who teamed up this week to scout for students on the Island.Oundle School headmaster Charles Bush and Windlesham House School head Richard Foster joined together because, as Mr Bush explains: “Windlesham is a great preparatory boarding school that can then lead on to excellent senior schools. While others have dissipated their boarding, Oundle has remained very true as a full boarding school.”Windlesham, a West Sussex co-ed school for eight to 13-year-olds, appeals to Bermudians in part for its proximity to Gatwick Airport; Oundle School, in Northamptonshire, has accrued about 40 “Old Oundelians” in Bermuda on the strength of its reputation.Mr Foster called Oundle “the strongest co-ed boarding school in the UK.“I’ve sent my three children there, so I can speak as both a parent and a headmaster when I make that statement.“There’s a very good fit between coming to Windlesham and being prepared to go on to this exceptional senior school.”A Tuesday night presentation at Fourways Inn was standing room only, with about 40 local parents.Mr Bush said: “Aside from their reputations, for both schools the appeal for Bermudians is in the full boarding. If you come from Bermuda, you don’t want to be turfed out on the weekends.“One of the liveliest features of Oundle and Windlesham is the phenomenal range of extracurricular activities. Education goes way beyond the classroom, and that’s a distinctive feature of both our schools.”The four day visit included a tour of Berkeley Institute and a meeting with Education Minister Jennifer Smith. The two headmasters plan to revisit Bermuda again in 2012.Useful web links: www.oundleschool.org.uk, www.windlesham.com