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Bermuda College returns to charging fees in September

Bermuda College president Duranda Green talks to students of the college about Government planning to replace free Tuition at the College with discounted fees. The meeting was held Thursday March 17th in the Blue Room of the college.

Bermuda College students will be required to pay for courses starting this autumn.College president Duranda Greene yesterday told students the tuition structure would change although details have yet to be finalised. Students now attend the college for free.Education Minister Dame Jennifer Smith announced earlier this month that Government was considering charging for courses at a “discounted” rate.Yesterday, Dr Greene said of the move: “Speaking for myself, and not the Bermuda College, I don’t believe cost should be a deterrent for students wanting to pursue higher education.“I think students who can pay, should pay and those who cannot should be able to access financial assistance.”She said they had yet to decide on the new fee structure but added: “I am almost sure it will not be in the same format it is. There will be financial assistance for those who cannot afford to pay the increased fees.”Government began paying the fees of qualified Bermudians on credit courses at the college in 2008.Dame Jennifer told the House of Assembly during the Education budget debate that the cost of the free tuition initiative as of January was $1.1 million.Yesterday, Dr Greene told students the Bermuda College budget was cut by $1.7 million.She said the college was working on meeting the cuts through a variety of ways including changing the fee structure, not replacing people who have retired and freezing certain positions.Dr Greene also announced that the college had extended its library hours and created a weekend study hall for those looking for a quiet place to study.Her comments were made as the college celebrated Spirit Week. Events end today with an afternoon of activities including the opening of an exhibition of Bermuda College student art at the Bermuda Society of Arts at 5.30pm.The show will remain open until April 5.