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Most teachers have now fulfilled licensing criteria

The majority of Bermuda’s teachers are now licenced, according to the Bermuda Educators Council.Tina Outerbridge, co-chairwoman of the council for the past year, said most teachers are now up-to-date on their professional development requirements.And contrary to what some believe she said most of Bermuda’s educators went to accredited universities, colleges and programmes.In August last year The Royal Gazette reported that 25 percent of teachers had not complied with the BEC licensing requirements. One in four teachers had not completed 40 hours of professional development, or had failed to provide completion certificates to prove they had met the requirement. At the time they were told they would not be allowed to teach in Bermuda’s public and private schools until they fulfilled the requirement.When asked for an update Mrs Outerbridge said: “We have been working hand in hand with all stakeholders and the union working through this issue.“A lot of teachers came in to update their information with the BEC.”Mrs Outerbridge said she was unable to give the exact figure of how many teachers remain unlicenced as a result of not meeting the professional development requirements, but said the majority of those who were not in compliance in August were now licenced. She added she would provide a more detailed update shortly.Last year was the second time educators have been asked to go through the licensing and re-licensing process and Mrs Outerbridge said their licenses are valid for two years.She added that the majority of teachers had been educated at accredited institutions. The BEC and Ministry of Education are working with those who did not to help them obtain the certification and accreditation they need to work in Bermuda.Mrs Outerbridge said there are currently approximately 30 teachers upgrading their qualifications.By law, teachers cannot take a job in a school on the Island unless they are registered by BEC though there can be exemptions when there is a shortage in a subject area.Mrs Outerbridge, who is a Montessori teacher at Somersfield Academy, said: “The principal aims of the BEC is to encourage and maintain high standards of teaching in Bermuda so as to enhance the quality of learning and to improve the professional conduct of educators in Bermuda.”Members of the Council include a private school and public school principal, four teachers from public schools, three teachers from private schools, one para-professional, one teacher with specialist qualifications in the teaching of persons with special education needs and four members appointed by the Minister of Education to represent the interests of employers of educators, parents of pupils and the general public.l For more information on the BEC, and their accreditation and professional development programmes, go to www.educators.bm