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No school for youngsters who have not been toilet-trained, states Minister

Photo by Glenn Tucker Minister of Education, the Hon. Dame Jennifer M. Smith, DBE, JP, DHumL, MP hosted a press conference to launch Walk It Out, a community based educational initiative involving the Islands Middle School students.

Parents have been warned that public schools will not accept students who are not toilet-trained next academic year.Education Minister Jennifer Smith announced the new policy yesterday under Clause 53 of the Education Act 1996.Dame Jennifer said that starting in September 2011 all students at Government schools must be toilet-trained.She added: “We are aware that some children who have been registered for public preschools are not toilet-trained. Parents must ensure that this situation is addressed before September 2011.“Toilet training is not a function of education. Teacher training does not cover this aspect as children aged four years and up are expected to start school ready to learn. We are aware that the community expects a lot from our teachers and our schools and we accept that responsibility. At the same time, parents must ensure that students enter school ready to learn.”Students at Dame Marjorie Bean Hope Academy are exempt from this policy as are those with medical conditions, a Ministry spokeswoman stated.