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Magic moment as student collects two degrees

At the double: Magic Boyles shows off his Associate of Arts in Business and his Associate of Science in actuarial science during the annual commencement ceremony at the Bermuda College.

There was loud applause and cheers for each of the 107 who yesterday graduated as Bermuda College’s class of 2011.One graduate who took a special share of applause was 25-year-old Magic Boyles the only one who came away with two degrees: an Associate of Arts in business degree, and an Associate of Science in actuarial science.“It’s taken me four years to get here,” Mr Boyles said just after the commencement ceremony. “That’s basically because I switched majors. I started out in actuarial science, then changed my mind and switched to business studies eventually I just decided to go ahead and do both of them. It just feels fantastic.”Beaming parents Jonathan and Lena-Mae Boyles waited to congratulate their son, who said that doubling his degrees was simply the outcome of following what he liked best.“I love maths; it’s my favourite subject of all time,” the Pembroke graduate said, describing how he gravitated toward the science of risk and uncertainty before deciding to ground it in something more practical.“For me, Bermuda College has been a great, relaxing environment. I’ve enjoyed coming up each day; it’s close to home and it’s a chance to study close to my family. And there’s all the support I get from great lecturers.”He said he hopes to remain involved in college activities, and perhaps speak at commencement one day.The Dellwood and CedarBridge Academy graduate continued: “My message to anyone is that when you start off on your goals, getting there may be hard, but you just have to keep persevering. Keep on working through, and you will get there.”Mr Boyle said he intends to remain in Bermuda for the next year and plans to go away to school after the summer of 2012.“I’m going to work on more actuarial exams while I’m here,” he said.His more immediate plan: “I’m going to celebrate by going out salsa dancing tonight,” he said.