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BHS’ mention in Oxbridge guide was advertising, claims Saltus’ principal

Saltus principal Ted Staunton has dismissed BHS’ inclusion in the Oxbridge Guide as a ‘mere advertisement’.The Bermuda High School for Girls was featured with schools from around the world in the international publication.It flagged BHS under the headline ‘Independent Thinkers’, highlighting the private institution’s “holistic” approach to education and wide range of extra-curricular activities.BHS principal Linda Parker in an e-mail stated her school was the only one in Bermuda selected to be part of the guide.Not so, said Mr Staunton: “They are just trying to sell their publication.“Saltus was contacted, and most likely Warwick Academy as well. They phone lots of schools around the world.“I worked as a principal in Canada for three years before coming to Saltus, and they called me every year.“We decided against it because it’s too expensive.”Warwick Academy principal Maggie McCorkell confirmed that she was also contacted to be included in the Oxbridge guide. “We decided not to pursue it,” she said.Dave Horan, deputy principal at Warwick Academy, said: “In our case, the asking/purchase price was far too high to justify a place in what is essentially an advertising scheme to generate money for those publishing the book.“At Warwick Academy, we took the decision that we would rather spend that considerable amount of money on our students and facilities and let their tremendous success market the school.”The Oxbridge Guide to Global Education and Skills 2011 was created by the student unions of Oxford and Cambridge universities to highlight schools across the world.Ms Parker said that she had been told by Oxbridge that BHS was the only Bermudian school selected for the guide.“I asked why we were selected, and they told me that it was based on surveys in Europe,” she said. “The cost was not exorbitant, and the guide was to be sent to admissions offices around the world.“We were contacted again, but because we were involved this year, we decided against it.”