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Free children’s speech and language assessment

Parents are being asked to take advantage of free speech and language assessments this month.The assessments are designed to assist children before they enter primary one classrooms in September.Coordinator for Speech and Language Services at the Department of Health, Susan Price Barrett said that the screenings are important to ensure students are ready for school.“These screenings may detect weaknesses in areas of listening, speaking, reading, writing, thinking and or learning,” Ms Price Barrett said.“Early detection of such weaknesses allows for early intervention, possibly reducing or preventing a negative impact on the child’s classroom success.”The assessments will take place between today and July 15.Parents and guardians must make an appointment in advance, on 278-6429. Appointments will be made on a first-come, first-served basis.Parents or guardians will be required to attend the 30-minute screening with their child, and a therapist will be present to discuss any concerns.