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Youngsters enjoy work and study programme

Young whizz-kids are having their first taste of the financial world with a summer programme combining work and study.A total of 12 students from the Berkeley Institute and CedarBridge Academy are currently taking part in The Maths Springboard work-shadow and maths programme.The two-week programme, which started last Monday, combines maths lessons with work-shadow experience in the financial services companies.Last week the youngsters had the chance to meet professionals from the accounting, insurance and investment professions at an induction at the Bermuda Monetary Authority.The BMA’s chief executive officer Jeremy Cox welcomed the students onto the programme and urged them to step forward and seize opportunities in Bermuda’s financial sector.The students are to undergo ‘maths mentorship’ every morning, at companies including Endurance, Allied World, Orbis, Aon, KPMG, PwC and Montpelier Re.They return to the classroom every afternoon so teachers Gina Monroe and Charles Lowery can guide them through their GCSE and more advanced maths work.The final day of the programme on Friday will see the students participating in all-day insurance workshops at XL Capital. They will take part in an excess of loss treaty simulation where teams will play the role of brokers and underwriters.The Maths Springboard has been organised by Bermuda Education Network, a charity creating opportunities for children at public schools. For more information visit www.ben.bm.