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BHS tops in private school GCSE results

Bermuda High School students this year earned the highest GCSE results among the Island’s private schools.Principal Linda Parker said 94 percent of tested students earned grades between A* and C in five or more subjects.The figures for both Warwick Academy and Saltus were lower, at 90 percent and 84 percent respectively.Government has yet to release the results for the Island’s two high schools, CedarBridge Academy and Berkeley Institute.Pass rates at BHS rose from 74 percent to 94 percent this year, with 41 percent of results being A* or A.Ms Parker said: “I am delighted with our results for this past academic year.“We are proud of all our students, and the results are a reflection of their self-discipline, focus on attaining goals and the quality of the teaching staff.”Of the 47 students who sat the exam this year, the highest scoring were Gemma Border (9A*), Megan Bower (8A*, 1A), Lara Hetzel (8A* and 1A), Nijmeh Marouf (7A* and 2A) and Serena Machado (7A* and 1A).Warwick Academy’s results were slightly lower than last year’s record high of 91 percent.Principal Margret McCorkell said: “We are very pleased with our results delighted in fact.”According to figures released by the school, 72 grade 11 students sat, on average, nine GCSEs with an overall pass rate of 100 percent.Among the highest scores were Anna Dobson (7 A*, 2A and 1B), Matthew Wedlich (6 A* and 3A), Kiernan Hamilton (5 A*, 2A and 2B), Rory Wilson (4A*, 3A and 2B) and Owen Siese (3 A*, 5A and 1B).At Saltus, the pass rate rose from 76 percent to 84 percent, with 17 students earning nine GCSEs.There were however, fewer students who took the exam this year 55 compared with 61 in 2010.Principal Ted Staunton said: “I strongly believe that the school is offering an excellent education to a wide range of students, and the faculty and students have my highest praise and congratulations.“As ever, we have set targets to reach even higher levels in 2012 whilst also offering students a wide range of opportunities beyond academic study.”Among the students highlighted by the school for their results were Mitchell Campbell (3 A*, 3 A and 2 B) and Xiaoyu Sun (2 A*, 5 A and 3 B).In addition to Year 11 students, 49 exams were this year sat by students in lower grades, with 98 percent receiving passing results of A* through C.