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Three education officers for ‘core subjects’ have not been replaced

The Ministry of Education has failed to replace its education officers in three core subjects.The education officer positions for maths, science and English remain vacant, leaving teachers without their usual main point of contact at Government.It is the role of an education officer to support and oversee all staff teaching a particular subject to ensure they are sticking to the curriculum.A Ministry spokeswoman said: “It is correct that we have not filled education officer vacancies for maths, science and English.”She would not say if the vacancies would be filled or the reason for the delay.Maths education officer Marva Allen retired about a year ago, then English education officer Donna Kelley left on August 12 and science education officer Joan Blades left on August 26.All their phone and e-mail enquiries are now being directed to Llewellyn Simmons, director of academics.The Ministry however has revealed it is implementing “a new approach” by having senior staff go into schools to work directly with teachers.The full statement from the Ministry of Education read: “While it is correct that we have not filled education officer vacancies for maths, science and English, we have implemented two new district trainers who will support literacy at the primary level.“Further, you may recall that the Minister noted that education officers, including the Commissioner for Teaching and Learning, will be in schools to support teaching.“In this regard the Ministry will be implementing a new approach by working directly with the teacher leaders in schools in these subject areas.”The Ministry was yesterday asked further questions and responded by saying it would host a press conference next week “which should provide some update” to the queries.