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Students to ‘step it up’ at summit

The Ministry of Education will host the second annual Middle School Summit tomorrow (Friday) at the National Sports Centre. The theme this year is ‘Step It Up’ for a day of “mentoring” students by key figures in the community.The inaugural event was spread over two locations last year, at Warwick Camp and the Bermuda College campus. Education Minister Dame Jennifer Smith said: “This worked well, in terms of separating the students by gender, but bearing current economic conditions in mind, this year the event will offer economies of scale by being held at one venue.”The Minister said students will be “separated by gender” again this year. “Our goal is to positively impact the lives of Middle School students by making them the centre of a bonding experience through the stories and interaction of older community members and local celebrities and through exposure to various activities and sports.“We hope to light a fire that will propel them to set high goals and make right life choices.”And while the event is strictly for public school Middle School students, Dame Jennifer said: “It is our goal to include both private and home schools next year.”A number of individuals have been invited to speak with students including local athletes, business professionals, chefs, managers, musicians and a host of others in the daylong interactive event.