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Cisco IT academy is launched

Bermuda’s Cisco Academy was formally launched yesterday in a ceremony at Bermuda College.This week, a group of Bermudians will begin training to become Cisco Instructors, with on-Island courses expected to become available this summer.Government Estates Minister Michael Scott thanked the Government’s partners who helped the project move forward and former Government Estates Minister Neletha Butterfield, who initially started work on the project.Mr Scott announced that Government will soon launch a media campaign to raise awareness of the Academy and what it can offer, and will host an information session on May 14, in collaboration with the Bermuda College.Addressing the audience, Premier Paula Cox said the launch marked a red-letter day for the Island.“As a leader of Government, it’s important to me because it’s another opportunity to provide another pathway to success,” Mrs Cox said.“What this really represents is a follow through of action. IT is on of the areas which has tremendous growth potential, so what we are talking about is jobs, jobs, jobs.”Cisco Territorial Manager Navid Ghanderhariuon said the local academy would provide not only opportunities for Bermudians seeking to enter the IT field, but make it easier for companies to find and hire properly trained staff.Government first announced that it was in talks with Cisco Systems to establish an academy on the Island in the throne speech.Since 1997, more than 10,000 academies have opened in 160 countries, offering students web-based content, online assessment, student performance tracking, hands-on labs and preparation for industry standard certifications.Useful website: www.cisco.com.