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New deputy principal appointments announced

Deputy principals have been appointed at 25 public schools as part of the Education Ministry’s efforts to spread teaching skills across the Island.The Department of Education selected the deputies, a departure from the past process in which principals picked their own number twos.A Ministry statement said candidates were interviewed in front of panels including principals and Department officials; principals then made recommendations to the Department, which made the final decision.Minister Dame Jennifer Smith stated: “The Department of Education has created a professional development framework for these deputy principals over the following year.“There is also an expectation and a responsibility on principals to ensure accountability.”

The new Deputy Principals

Dalton E Tucker Primary School: Tajuana Dean

East End Primary School: Daltonell Minors

Elliott Primary School: Dianne Simmons

Francis Patton Primary School: Helen Paynter

Gilbert Institute: Suzette Cheeseman

Harrington Sound Primary School: Marsha Rollins

Heron Bay Primary School: Cindy Lambert

Northlands Primary School: Gina Evans

Paget Primary School: Sonia Haley

Port Royal Primary School: Cindy Weeks

Prospect Primary School: Kennelyn Smith

Purvis Primary School: Michael Bean

Somerset Primary School: Angela Edwards

St David’s Primary School: Julie Foggo

St George’s Preparatory School: Keema Perry

Victor Scott Primary School: Stephen Coddington

West End Primary School: Tamecia Darrell

West Pembroke Primary School: Wendell Smith

Clearwater Middle School: Terrilyn Doyle

Dellwood Middle School: Tina Duke

Sandys Secondary Middle School: Karen Raynor

TN Tatem Middle School: Chris Swan

Whitney Institute: Stacey DeShield

CedarBridge Academy: Rosemary Matthews, Timothy Sousa, Anthony Wade

The Berkeley Institute: Keisha Douglas, Nadia Tuckett Robinson, Tiannia Symonds.