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Staff member’s sudden death forces school to close for the day

Dellwood School closed its doors early on Friday following the death of a staff member, but will reopen as normal on Monday.Last night, principal Lisa Marshall paid tribute to administrative assistant Terry Bean, saying: “She was the first face you saw when you entered to office area of the school.“Her quiet and caring nature were a prominent characteristic in her role of greeting visitors, staff, parents and students when they entered the office.”Ms Marshall further described Mrs Bean as “selfless” and the kind of employee who would turn up to work even when ill because she did not want her colleagues to have extra work.Ms Marshall added: “Her strength was an inspiration to all.”Earlier in the day, a Ministry of Education spokeswoman said Ms Bean “was a ‘very beloved member of the Dellwood school family,’ and staff and students have been significantly affected by the passing” and extended its condolences to Mrs Bean’s family, staff and students of Dellwood Middle School.