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Education’s principals switch plans to be fought in open court

The legal challenge to Government’s contested decision to shift two well-liked school principals to different schools will be settled in open court over the summer.Chief Justice Ian Kawaley announced the move at a hearing yesterday.Parents marched to Cabinet in protest of the March 14 announcement that TN Tatem Middle School’s principal Francine McMahon and Victor Scott Primary’s Valerie Williams would move to different schools.A stay has not been granted to the schools’ Parent Teacher Associations Mr Justice Kawaley did not accept the Ministry of Education argument that the transfers are part of a systematic restructuring.He rejected the suggestion that the principals’ transfer was similar to recently-announced moves by deputy principals. The “bigger picture” of transfers emerged after proceedings had already begun, the Chief Justice said.He asked Government lawyer Martin Johnson to undertake “not to rely on anything that’s done between the commencement of the proceedings and the final hearing”.After the submission of further evidence by PTA lawyer Eugene Johnstone, a one- to two-day hearing is expected to be set before July 31.