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CARE graduates told: ‘Achieving success is not as difficult as it may seem’

Frederick Butterfield recieves the perseverance award from Minister Terry Lister at the C.A.R.E. (Children and Adults Reaching for Education) commencement ceremony held yesterday. (Photo by Mark Tatem)

New graduates of CARE Learning Centre were given words of encouragement and inspiration by Rev Dr Lanel Guyton gave at a ceremony yesterday.“My task is to challenge you to take advantage of every opportunity that lies before you,” Rev Guyton told the graduates. “Achieving success is not as difficult as it may seem.”Dozens of family members and supporters attended the ceremony at St Paul AME Church to celebrate as 12 people received their GED certificates.CARE, which stands for Children and Adults Reaching for Education, is an alternative learning centre for young people and adults.Since it began 29 years ago, more than 650 people have received their GEDs through the programme.Several of the new graduates hope to go on to college to earn higher degrees.Graduates Kenneth Mathie and Kai-Rontae Durham said they plan to attend Bermuda College and then go to university overseas.“It was a task for me dealing with school, my job and home as well,” said student Frederick Butterfield, who started with CARE in 2008. “My plan is to push myself and find a college that’s right for me.”Minister Neletha Butterfield, founder and director of CARE, distributed the certificates. She also presented achievement awards to those still working towards their GEDs.

Valedictorian John Ceasar recieves his diploma from Rev Dr Lanel Guyton at the C.A.R.E. (Children and Adults Reaching for Education) commencement ceremony held yesterday. (Photo by Mark Tatem)