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Months after resignations, new Bermuda Educator’s Council elected

A new Bermuda Educators’ Council has been elected following a hiatus of several months.A chairman has yet to be appointed by the 11-member group, created in 2002 to oversee standards at the Island’s public and private schoolsThe previous council’s members resigned en masse early this year and an interim committee took charge.Education Minister Dame Jennifer Smith warned at the end of the summer that a new group would be legislatively appointed if one wasn’t elected.Elections were held last week.Dame Jennifer said: “The public will be aware that for the past several months, the BEC has been largely inoperative, due to the resignations of its members. On August 8, 2012, educators were encouraged to take the necessary steps to reactivate this critical body and I want to thank the interim Committee of Educators who spearheaded the re-establishment of the council.“The Bermuda Educators’ Council is a self-governing professional body run for, and by, the members of the teaching profession. I am pleased to say that the BEC held elections for various officers within the council last week and I congratulate them on a successful exercise.”The newly elected representatives are:l Public school representatives: Ameenah Abdul-Hadee, Yvonne Bean, Deborah Raat and Crenstant Williams;l Private school representatives: Tanisha Edwards, Julie Gunther and Fiona Murdoch;l Public school principal: Gladstone Thompson;l Private school principal: Lois Tucker;l Specialist educator: Safiya Dyer;l Para-professional: Sandra Everheart.Four people were also appointed by the Minister to the BEC’s 15-member executive: Vivlyn Cooper, Becky Ausenda, Aureen Eddy and the Permanent Secretary of Education Warren Jones.l Useful website: www.educators.bm.