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Sharks and cooking to feature in science week

Bermuda College is celebrating its annual Corange Science Week with tiger sharks, cooking demonstrations and a group of special DIY classes.A spokeswoman for the college said a host of activities will take place at the campus between Monday and Thursday.Neil Burnie and Choy Aming will deliver a free talk on Wednesday about their experiences with tiger sharks; chef Teneika Eve will host a cooking demonstration on Thursday.Also on Thursday, the school’s department of Applied Science and Technology will put on several DIY classes demonstrating how to change a car’s oil and adjust water heater thermostats.Middle school students will attend the campus on Thursday to learn and experience the scope of natural and applied sciences with interactive demonstrations, lab work, a nursing expo and culinary art activities.Dr Burnie and Mr Aming’s talk starts at 6.30pm at the North Hall Lecture Theatre; Ms Eve’s demonstration begins at 6pm in the College kitchens.