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Govt urged to act quickly on technical skills

Government must act quickly on its Throne Speech pledge to add technical skills to the school curriculum, the Bermuda Education Network believes.The One Bermuda Alliance promised on Friday that it would “introduce an integrated technical curriculum starting at the middle school level” and follow through with Hopkins Report recommendations.Boosting the technical option in the Island’s public school system was a platform promise by the OBA.“My personal view is that it should be possible to implement by September 2013,” BEN executive director Becky Ausenda said.“It would require an immediate announcement of the project leadership team, and the seven schools affected would need to be fully consulted and involved in designing the plan.”Middle school teachers have told BEN that “their students are not engaged in what they are learning at school”, Ms Ausenda said.“An integrated technical curriculum should give schools more scope to get students excited about learning. It’s not just what you teach, but how you teach it.“Helping schools to develop inquiry-based learning, portfolio work, projects and other strategies appropriate for middle schools could also be part of what is needed to get some of our middle school students engaged.”Useful website: www.ben.bm.