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Island’s public school principals back hospitality initiative

A hospitality programme offered at ten of Bermuda’s schools over the past academic year has been given high marks by principals, the Bermuda Hospitality Institute has announced.The four-week classes on Bermuda tourism and etiquette furnished young students with an understanding of the Island’s hospitality industry and the importance of values such as courtesy and the appreciation of local culture.It was offered at St David’s Primary, Francis Patton, Elliot Primary, Victor Scott Primary, Heron Bay, Port Royal Primary, Dalton E Tucker, Whitney Institute Middle School, Dellwood Middle School and Clearwater Middle School.Victor Scott Primary Principal Valerie Williams said: “I believe that the seeds that are being planted early in our students about the importance of our hospitality industry will bear fruit in years to come.”Dellwood Middle School Principal Lisa Marshall said the programme had been “a natural fit” in the school’s life skills classes.“The programme taught the students about the ‘old Bermuda’ of yesterday when people were friendly and hospitable to tourists and to each other,” she said.“Students learned to role-play different scenarios about being hospitable. They were able to take risks and show a different side of themselves that they don’t normally portray in the classroom.”The classes were launched in the spring term of 2012 with the help of 40 volunteers from across the industry. The programme is to be expanded in the upcoming academic year.