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College offers online social media course

Anyone seeking to become more social media savvy is invited to enrol in a new online course being offered by Bermuda College.

Anyone interested in becoming more social media savvy is invited to enrol in a new online course at the Bermuda College.The college’s Professional and Career Education (PACE) Division will this September launch a three-module online programme focusing on incorporating Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn in business.PACE director Tawana Wade said businesses are becoming more and more involved in social media sites like Twitter, making the programme very timely.“It’s not only an important course for business people trying to communicate with customers or advertise products, but it’s also for charities who want to get the word out,” she said.“It’s the new way to communicate. The way the younger generation communicate is online, not telephone. I suppose even e-mail is becoming outdated.”She said that in recent years the college has seen an increased demand for online courses, and that PACE had been approached by people looking for a course on social media.“People have asked if we offer something like this. They were not looking for a credit course, but more for something to update and upgrade their skills,” she said. “And because it’s an online course, people don’t have to come to the campus two or three times a week.“That said, you still have to be engaged. You have to do your reading and you have to participate online.”The first of the three modules — Introduction to Social Media — will launch on September 3. It will be followed by Marketing using Social Media in October and Integrating Social Media in your Organisation in November.Students who complete all three modules will be awarded a Certificate for Social Media in Business.A spokeswoman for Bermuda College said the programme would provide cutting edge strategic professional development for modern business professionals.“The days are fast fading when you simply present your resume with your academic transcript and/or list of previous positions,” she said.“The Certificate for Social Media in Business indicates you are keeping yourself marketable and will bring an enhanced skill set to your potential employer.“From Facebook to Twitter, blogging, YouTube, LinkedIn and more, the programme explores social media marketing, and how to integrate it into an organisation.”Students will be able to take a single module for a cost of $195, or all three for $495.For more information, or to sign up for the programme online, visit www.college.bm.