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Excellent exam results for BHS students

Karina Rebellato

The Bermuda High School for Girls has announced a 100 percent pass for the latest GCSE/IGCSE exams.Head of school Linda Parker said she was “delighted” with the outcome, in which 91 percent of students achieved at least five A* through C grades in subjects including English and maths.“I am thrilled with the number of A* and A grades this year,” she said. “They are the best since I became head of school in 2007.”Out of those, 42 percent achieved A* and A grades — twice the UK statistic of 21 percent, Ms Parker said.A further 66 percent earned A*, A and B grades.“I am particularly proud of these students as they have proven their ability to surpass expectations as predicted by the baseline data,” Ms Parker told The Royal Gazette.“This is not only the result of the students’ self-discipline, hard work and focus, but also the result of teachers taking a personalised approach to their students’ abilities and encouraging them to stretch beyond their potential.“These results confirm that the BHS approach adds significant value to the educational experience.”Ninety-five percent of Year 11 students sat nine subjects apiece; the remainder sat eight subjects each.Ms Parker congratulated the school’s top six students: Karina Rebellato, who received eight A* grades and one A; Kathleen McBeath and Aanika Rahman, both of whom achieved five A* and four A grades, and Sophia Schwertl, with four A* and five A grades.Taylor Hill received three A*, four A and two B grades, while Reem Bushara took three A*, three A and three B grades.

Kathleen McBeath
Anaika Rahman
Sophia Schwertl
Taylor Hill
Reem Bushara