First-day jitters for primary school students
Excitement was in the air as students across the Island started their first day of school.West Pembroke Primary parent Margo Simmons said the morning was a busy one for her family.“We’re running late,” she explained.Her nine-year-old daughter Tyger Smith started P5 today.“I was a little bit nervous because you get new teachers,” she said, smiling.Tyger said when she’s nervous, she thinks about her favourite things to do in school.“I was looking forward to reading because I like reading the most. I like seeing my friends too.”Her six-year-old brother Isis Smith felt shy about returning to school as a P2 student.“I just wanted to stay home,” he said. “But I like recess.”Another parent, Anjali Bahlla, had a difficult time dealing with her childrens’ back to school preparation and nerves.“It was a little bit hectic this year,” she said.“I have three boys, two of them at West Pembroke, and one of them in nursery.”Her eldest son, Kush Butler, started P3 this morning while his brother, Keshav Butler, started P1.Ms Bahlla said Kush was ready, and knew the back-to-school routine well.“He is more experienced, and has less nerves than he used to. He’s getting to the age where it’s not cool to show how nervous he is,” she laughed.“Keshav was a little nervous and we actually had a hard time getting him into class. He’s nervous about new children. It’s hard to say how soon his nerves will go way because he’s a little shy and hopefully he’ll come out of his shell a little bit.”Principals at primary schools reported a succesful first day yesterday afternoon, despite some hesitant P1 students.“In the P1 students, nerves are to be expected,” said Opal Wilson, principal of West Pembroke Primary School. “We had one child clinging to their mom’s legs and didn’t want to let go.”At Northlands Primary School, any jitters new students had quickly subsided.“A couple of students in P1 were a little nervous but after about 30 to 45 minutes they’ve settled in,” Principal Charles Joynes said. “We got them in class to get them acclimatized to the teachers first thing in the morning, then had an assembly that went very well.”Ms Wilson considered it a great first day, saying “If I had to rate it, I’d go with a nine out of ten.”“It’s been just a wonderful, happy day and students came back settled and ready to go,” she said.