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US Consul honours residents who completed MIT course

The US Consulate and the Ministry of Home Affairs honuoured Bermudians who completed a Massachusetts Institute of Technology online entrepreneurship course. Shown from left to right are US Consul General Bob Settje, Consulate Public Diplomacy Assistant Astrid Black, students Noreco Burgess, Tammy Clarke, Courtney Bushner, Douglas Outerbridge, Desmond Crockwell, Matthew Carr, Calvin Blankendal, and Karmeta Hendrickson, facilitator Erica Smith and Home Affairs Minister Michael Fahy. Clyde Bassett and Tomika Smith are missing from the photo.

A group of ten Bermudians got a commendation from US Consul General Bob Settje after making the grade on an online entrepreneurship course offered by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

The group completed the free Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) “Entrepreneurship 101: Who Is Your Customer?”

The US State Department helped to provide the course through online educators Coursera, as part of a move to boost online learning worldwide.

State Department exchange alumnus Erica Smith, acting director of the Bermuda Economic Development Corporation (BEDC), set up the MIT course.

The BEDC plans to offer another entrepreneurship course in the autumn.

At a June 3 reception with Home Affairs Minister Michael Fahy, Mr Settje presented certificates to Calvin Blankendal, Noreco Burgess, Courtney Bushner, Matthew Carr, Tammy Clarke, Desmond Crockwell, Karmeta Hendrickson and Douglas Outerbridge. Also successful were Clyde Bassett and Tomika Smith, who were unable to attend.

To learn about other MOOCs, see the website www.coursera.org.