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Berkeley pupils on dual enrolment

Ten students from the Berkeley Institute and CedarBridge Academy have enrolled to full-time college-level courses at Bermuda College making it another record year for the college.

The Senior Year Three pupils will be joined by 41 other S4 students from the public high schools for English, mathematics and a range of other courses for the 2014/15 academic year.

College Recruitment Officer, Thaao Dill, said: “We’re incredibly excited about the success of our Dual Enrolment students, and grateful for the opportunity to support them into the next stage of their academic progress.

“These students — around one sixth of the entire year level — are earning globally transferable university level credits without having to pay a dime in tuition before they graduate high school.

“This is a big deal that really matters, as it demonstrates what students are capable of when given the opportunity and what our public school system is capable of producing when students, teachers and parents do their part.”

Dual Enrolment allows students to pursue an advanced curriculum relevant to their individual post secondary interest.

A ‘dual enrolment course’ at Bermuda College is a postsecondary level course which, upon successful completion, qualifies a student for academic credit in the public senior school and postsecondary institution.

Last January, the College announced the success of 40 S4 students who were able to take Freshman English or College Algebra classes for the Spring 2014 semester.