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Scott belatedly gives his backing to Greene

Education Minister Wayne Scott

Education Minister Wayne Scott has given his full backing to Duranda Greene, the under-fire president of the Bermuda College.

Full-time members of the Bermuda College Faculty Association issued a press release last week regarding the result of a secret ballot and vote of no confidence in Dr Greene — public support for whom at ministry level was not forthcoming until Tuesday.

“The Bermuda College falls under the remit of the Ministry of Education and as Minister of Education, I would like to state that Dr Greene continues to have my support in her capacity as president of the Bermuda College,” Mr Scott said.

“As minister, I am always open to dialogue in resolving matters in a synergistic and collaborative manner for the benefit of all.

“However, open dialogue is a two-way process and the ministry at no time was approached by the faculty association with any of the concerns raised in their press release.

“Dr Greene has kept the ministry fully abreast of operational activities at the Bermuda College and I believe she has provided excellent leadership in the midst of the financial challenges, particularly in the areas of financial management, performance management and customer service.”

Mr Scott added that he would be similarly agreeable to meeting with the representative of the faculty association and that it is his hope that the Bermuda College Board, the president and faculty can work together to resolve their differences.