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School’s ‘outstanding’ results

Sophia Marshall (Photograph supplied)

The Bermuda High School has declared “outstanding” results for its 2016 International Baccalaureate diploma, with 29 graduates out of 30 entered for the full diploma — 25 of whom were successful.

The BHS average score for those achieving the full diploma stands at 33 points out of a possible 45, comfortably ahead of the worldwide average of 30.

Sophia Marshall, the former head student, scored 42, while Margaret Dunne reached 40.

Other top scorers were Sophie Booth, Fae Sapsford and Carolyn Soares, each achieving 37 points.

Alison Lamb scored 36 points while Namrata Bisht, Jack Harris and Skye Robinson-Bean each earned 35 points.

Linda Parker, the head of school, called the latest results “particularly noteworthy” given that BHS does not preselect students to go into the IB diploma.

“Instead, all students are given the opportunity to attempt this challenging programme and fulfil their potential.”

Head of IB Kate Ross said that students who might have considered the programme challenging had succeeded with the help of teachers, peers and parents.

“Over half of this particular cohort of students have been with us since Year 1, so it has been rewarding to watch them complete their BHS education and realise the academic success that they have worked so hard to achieve.”

Graduates have been offered positions for further education in Canada, the United States and Britain.

Sophia Marshall will pursue her BSc in Accounting and Finance with the London School of Economics, while Margaret Dunne received early acceptance to the College of Human Ecology at Cornell University to major in Fibre Science.

Sophie Booth, Fae Sapsford and Carolyn Soares will be attending McGill University, the University of Nottingham and Wilfred Laurier University, respectively.

Other acceptances came from Acadia, University of British Columbia, University of Toronto, and Dalhousie in Canada; Wake Forest University and University of Georgia in the US; Bangor University, Middlesex University and the Universities of Brighton, Kent, Manchester and Nottingham in the UK.

Jack Harris (Photograph supplied)
Margaret Dunne (Photograph supplied)
Namrata Bisht (Photograph supplied)
Skye Robinson-Bean (Photograph supplied)
Alison Lamb (Photograph supplied)
Sophie Booth (Photograph supplied)
Carolyn Soares (Photograph supplied)
Fae Sapsford (Photograph supplied)