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Young architect wins scholarship

Kevin Simmons, the new recipient of the Stanley G Kennedy scholarship (Photograph supplied)

The Institute of Bermuda Architects has awarded Kevin Simmons with the Stanley G Kennedy scholarship for being an “outstanding student”.

The education committee was impressed with Mr Simmons’ design portfolio, excellent grades and overall commitment to his studies, according to a statement.

Mr Simmons will be entering his second and final year of the Master of Architecture programme at Oxford Brookes University in Oxford, England, this autumn and will receive his $8,000 scholarship towards the school year.

“On behalf of the IBA, the education committee is pleased to present Kevin with this award,” Julia van Beelen, the education committee chairwoman, said.

“We congratulate him on his accomplishments, and wish him the best of luck in his continued studies and future career.”

IBA president Krystal Rodrigues added: “The IBA is committed to investing in aspiring architects, and this award, and the mentor after whom it is named, embody this commitment. We are pleased to be able to support this outstanding student.”

Stanley G Kennedy was an architect, former IBA president and Architects Registration Council chairman. The award was presented in his name for the first time in 2004.

Students enrolled in an accredited architecture programme are selected on the basis of academic merit and presentation of design work.

Architecture students can find details on the Stanley G Kennedy Architectural Award and review the scholarship eligibility requirements at http://www.iba.bm/student_form.html. The IBA encourages all aspiring architects to seek out accredited programmes.