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Three get awards from Paget Parish Council

Phoebe Barboza

Tashae Trott, Rachel Lawrence and Phoebe Barboza are the recipients of the Paget Parish Undergraduate Scholarship for students studying abroad.

Paget Parish Council has provided approximately $340,000 in scholarships to Paget university students over the past 14 years, according to a press release.

Scholarships are based on academic excellence and financial need and they must have been residents of Paget for a minimum of five years.

Tashae Trott, the top scholar of the Paget Parish Undergraduate Scholarship for 2016, will receive $5,000 each year for the next three years.

Tashae will commence her studies at Nottingham Trent University, undertaking a BSc in Psychology.

Rachel Lawrence will receive a continuance of her four-year award of $5,000 annually, which she won as the top scholar in 2013.

Rachel is studying Veterinary Medicine at the University of Edinburgh.

Phoebe Barboza will also receive a continuance of her three-year award of $5,000 annually, which she won as the top scholar last year. Phoebe is studying Marine Zoology at Southampton University.

The council supports Paget students who are studying at the Bermuda College.

It said there were no applicants this year for the Robert J. Wright Scholarship, which is given over a two-year period for a maximum of $3,200.

The statement said: “The Council’s Scholarship Selection Committee was very impressed by the candidates this year who are passionate for their chosen field of study, able to articulate their goals and doing very well academically.

“The Council is very proud to support a top rank of Paget university scholars.

“The Paget Parish Council is able to provide scholarships through the revenue it earns by managing the Red Hole Waterlot property.

“The Council has never received a Government grant. It is able to give beneficial provisions because of the generosity and foresight of the late Cornelius Jones family who gave the Red Hole property in trust so that every resident of Paget could have access to the waterfront.

“The Paget Council manages the property and receives rent revenue from the Red Hole dock berths and the boatyard.”

Students are encouraged to apply in the Spring through www.BermudaScholarships.com. Contact the Council through www.PagetCouncil.com

Rachel Lawrence
Tashae Trott