Schools, we salute you
As far as Bermuda’s schools are concerned, it’s one of the most interesting history lessons of all.
Today and tomorrow, through our Bermuda National School Salute supplement, The Royal Gazette tells the tale behind every school on the island, from St George’s to Dockyard. The island can boast some 12 schools founded in the 19th century or earlier which are still running today, including Warwick Academy, which dates back to 1662 and is one of the oldest continuously run schools in the western hemisphere.
You can read about the histories of all those proud schools and more in Volume 1 today. Tomorrow, Volume 2 features history pieces on the island’s newer schools, through to the Success Academy, founded last year.
Over the next two weeks, thanks to a collective effort involving all 44 schools and learning institutions on the island, our School Salute coverage will provide more detailed focus on individual schools, including this Thursday’s supplement on Berkeley Institute, which is celebrating its 120th anniversary this year. On Friday we will feature CedarBridge, which is celebrating its 20th. Other key anniversaries this year include the current middle school system, which is marking 20 years at TN Tatem, Sandys Secondary, Clearwater, Dellwood and Whitney Institute; and Sandys Secondary School, which celebrated its 90th anniversary.
Minister of Education Cole Simons states in today’s supplement: “During the upcoming weeks, as we celebrate the National School Salute, let’s showcase the shared common pride that we hold dear to our hearts about our schools, and their surrounding communities.
“I encourage school alumni, parents, guardians and the broad community to use this opportunity to reflect on what both civic and school pride has meant to us personally, in developing and shaping our individual lives into who we are today, and what this has meant for the development of our island home.”
The Royal Gazette has powered which offers daily school updates and will carry the school supplements.