Steam summer courses for students
The Department of Education will be hosting its third annual Steam Academy this summer.
The Gifted and Talented Eduction Programme teaches students science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics.
The academy is being conducted in partnership with performing arts programme Ah! Tempo.
Directed by Malinda Simmons-Jennings and a team of visual and performing arts experts, this will provide P3 to S3 students with daily instruction in dance, devising original drama, vocal styles, vocal technique, set building, costume and prop making.
Digibotics, led by John Madiro for P4 to P6 students, will engage them in coding, programming, digital interfacing, collaboration, curiosity, ingenuity, hands-on robot design, global awareness and teamwork via web-based platforms. The programme — designed for students who have been nominated by their school — will this year focus on drone technology and the Global Positioning System.
Students at the M1 to S4 level can take part in the Renewable Energy Challenge and experiment with sustainable transport solutions. Led by Iman Gibbons, they will discover the best way to power remotely operated vehicles using the various emerging renewable technologies.
Additionally, they will harness the power of sunlight with micro solar panels, wind power with micro turbines and even generate electricity.
Students will furthermore work in teams to build prototypes and compete in the SEROV Challenge Enduro Race.
Those in M1 to S4 can also participate in the Gaming Academy, directed by Neville Zuill.
The two-week programme is designed to introduce passionate young game designers and developers to the methods and processes used by professional game makers throughout the world.
Students will create their own original digital online game, and develop skills and strategies to prepare them for a future in the digital media industry.
The academy will run from July 4 to 26 at CedarBridge Academy and will culminate with a student showcase on July 27 at the Ruth Seaton James Centre for Performing Arts.
“For a third consecutive year the department is pleased to sponsor a summer Steam Academy,” Cole Simons, the Minister of Education, stated.
“We hope students take advantage of the excellent courses offered in coding, digital interfacing, renewable energy technology and gaming.”
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