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New school year starts at Bermuda College

New term: Bermuda College welcomed new and returning students today (Photograph supplied)

Bermuda College today welcomed students for the new school year.

Staff and students celebrated the new academic session at the annual Convocation ceremony.

College president Duranda Greene said the focus of the new academic year remained “students first” as the college continued to make access easier.

She added: “I am looking forward to another year of student success facilitated by the very hard work of our administrative team, faculty and support staff.”

Dr Greene was joined by new vice-president of academic and student affairs Phyllis Curtis-Tweed, faculty representative Tracey Harney and student government council representative D’Ziah Coddington in welcoming the students.

Senior biology lecturer Dr Harney gave students five tips for a successful year.

He added that their acceptance into Bermuda College also earned them membership “into a community within a community” with the promise that “we are all here for you”.

Dr Harney said: “Aim high. You all will be leaving with a transcript which summarises the story of your journey here at BC. Strive to make it a representation of your true potential.

He added: “Get organised. By doing so, you will have more time and energy available for your studies. Stay healthy and strong in mind and body. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people.

And he said: “Get inspired and stay engaged and nerd out. Have fun once you get your academic groove going.”

During the ceremony, 38 students who completed their first year with honours were recognised.

Ten students, who took at least 24 credits in a 60-credit programme achieved GPAs of between 3.5 or higher, earned a place on the President’s List.

And 28 students, who took at least 24 credits in a 60-credit programme achieved GPAs between 3 — 3.49, earned a place on the Vice-president’s List.