Teachers frustrated by lack of talks with Rabain
The Bermuda Union of Teachers said yesterday they had still to hear from the Government about the implementation of a plan to boost education.
Shannon James, BUT president, said teachers were happy to be involved in the creation of Plan 2022. But he added teachers were frustrated over a lack of discussion with Diallo Rabain, the Minister of Education, about the problems they faced.
Mr James said: “It has been silent, no meetings and no indication of meetings.
“We had significant input into Plan 2022 and we very much look forward to hear details of the ministry’s delivery plan, but since he was appointed minister there has been no meeting with the BUT.
“We understand that Plan 2022 is important, but we have given up trying to arrange a formal meeting to discuss other, ongoing issues.”
Mr James said a government promise to install wi-fi in the islands schools has yet to materialise and teachers are still faced with a lack of basic supplies.
He added: “We were criticised for highlighting wi-fi, but with respect, people missed the point. It is a sign of a wider issue, of a lack of resources in our schools.
“Too often we hear stories of teachers digging into their own pockets to buy basic supplies, such as paper and books. That should not be happening.”
Mr James said Mr Rabain’s last update on Plan 2022 suggested teachers would be subject to performance appraisals but claimed the appraisals are actually for ministry staff.
He said: “Everything has been about ministry personnel, they have not involved all the stakeholders.
“It is as if they going to present us with a fait accompli when we do eventually meet.”
Mr Rabain unveiled Plan 2022, a multiyear plan for Bermuda’s public school system, last December.