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Forty fathers attend leadership event

Fathers attend a leadership event organised by the Ministry of Education (Photograph supplied)

Fathers were encouraged to seek leadership roles at an event organised by the Ministry of Education.

The Ministry hosted the “Fathers Speak” event to urge fathers to talk about how their involvement can improve their child’s academic experience.

Education minister Diallo Rabain said: “This cause is very near to my heart. It is important for our fathers and men to be represented in leadership positions within our school system.

“Our children need to know that they are supported by both their fathers and mothers who are jointly invested in their education.”

More than 40 men attended the event at the Berkeley Institute last Thursday.

Speakers were Bermuda Hospitals Board chief operating officer Scott Pearman, Francis Patton Primary School principal Todd Fox, Mr Rabain and motivational speaker Alfred Powell.

Mr Fox said: “The most powerful gift we can give our children is our presence.”

The Ministry of Education said more “Fathers Speak” events would take place in the coming months.

Left to right: Francis Patton Primary School principal Todd Fox, education minister Diallo Rabain, Bermuda Hospitals Board chief operating officer Scott Pearman (Photograph supplied)
Motivational speaker Alfred Powell leads a demonstration with volunteers from the audience at the Fathers Speak event at the Berkeley Institute (Photograph supplied)
Audience members at the Fathers Speak event at the Berkeley Institute (Photograph supplied)