Warwick Academy digs in for marine science
Warwick Academy has held a ground-breaking ceremony for its new marine science facility.
Pupils will be able to take advantage of the school’s dock and develop their understanding of the ocean at the facility next to Hamilton Harbour.
It is being built after a $300,000 fundraising campaign by the school.
Head of science Jessica Young and science technician Roz Wingate came up with the idea of a marine research facility, but pupils have played a key role.
Principal David Horan said: “Significantly, it was students who inspired the thinking behind Jess and Roz’s design and who continue to inspire us.
“Of particular importance is the Warwick Academy Natural History Club. It has been this student agency that has accelerated at Warwick Academy in the last few years where students have been the agents of change.”
Pupils have already been involved in environmental initiatives such as reducing waste, cleaning up beaches, switching to recyclable plates and composting.
He added: “They have recently started the landscaping and growing the endemics that will be planted to regenerate the property. A big thank you to all of them. You inspire us.”
Mr Horan said numerous partners within the community had contributed to the project.
Colin Smith, the chairman of the board of governors, said: “We are truly fortunate to witness this milestone following almost three years of mapping out the best possible use for this property, while being sensitive to the environment. None of it would have been possible without our donors and we are grateful to every single one.”