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Berkeley releases Covid-19 reopening plan

Keisha Douglas, principal at the Berkeley Institute (Photograph by Akil Simmons)

The Berkeley Institute has laid out its back-to-school Covid-19 safety precautions in a message to parents.

Pupils returned for orientation days from last Tuesday to Friday to prepare for the start of the school year, delayed from yesterday to later this week.

Keisha Douglas, the principal, said: “As there is so much to share with students with regards to our ‘new normal’ and return-to-school protocols and expectations, we have organised orientation days ahead of the official start of school for all students.”

Separate school groups attended orientation on different days and needed a device that could connect to the internet, allow word processing, and which could be used for preparation of presentations.

Pupils were also be expected to take part in workshops and bring their own lunches.

The pupils must wear masks and be prepared to have their temperatures taken when school goes back after the hurricane all-clear.

Separate school groups will be on campus on different days with some working on a remote basis from home.

Pupils on the school premises will also be asked to complete a Covid-19 questionnaire to check if they have had any exposure to the disease. They will also need a device and earphones so they can access remote sessions in the building. School doors will open at 7.45am and pupils must be off the school grounds by 3.45pm every day.

Ms Douglas told parents: “It is my hope that our students enjoy the remaining time they have in these last days of summer.

“I am looking forward to an extraordinary 2020-21 school year, despite Covid-19 and its challenges.

“Student success and safety is our No 1 priority. We will get through this year together and we will be successful.”