‘Human library’ planned for next week
A cultural event bringing together several organisations aims to spark conversations that challenge stereotypes and prejudices.
WalkTogetherBermuda, in partnership with The Bermuda National Library, Citizens Uprooting Racism in Bermuda, the Department of Culture and the Human Rights Commission is to host the first Human Library® in Bermuda on February 23.
A Human Library invites people representing certain stigmatised groups to act as “books” and is designed to create a safe space for dialogue, where the topics are discussed honestly between the participants and their readers.
A spokeswoman for the event said: “During a Human Library event, human books are on loan to readers and explore the book’s experience through one-on-one conversations for 30 minutes.
“A book with the Human Library is a person that volunteers to represent a stigmatised group in the community and, based on their personal experiences, can answer questions from readers to help challenge what is being said, told and understood about a given topic, to help shed light on the facts as you know them.
“Books are not political or on a mission but rather able to follow the curiosity and direction of the reader during their time together.”
Members of the public are invited to consider being a book at the event which will be held on February 23 at the Bermuda National Library from 5.30pm to 8.30pm.
An information session will be held next Wednesday at 6pm at the library at 13 Queen Street, Hamilton where refreshments will be served.
For more information, visit www.humanlibrary.org. Interested parties can also e-mail helenorchard1@gmail.com, email libraryevents@gov.bm or call 747-6280.