Governor joins 50th anniversary celebrations of Sea Cadets
A prize giving ceremony commemorating the 50th anniversary of the St George’s unit of the Bermuda Sea Cadet Corps was marked at the weekend with Rena Lalgie, the Governor attending.
Ms Lalgie joined the Colours ceremony for Training Ship Admiral Somers at the event on Saturday, inspecting the ship’s company and then presenting awards.
She congratulated the unit for its success over five decades, adding: “The dedication to the unit by the adult volunteers, both uniformed and civilian, is evident in the core values produced by the young Cadets and defined by their skills as emerging leaders.”
Lieutenant Commander Michael Frith, commander of the corps, praised the hard work of the Cadets over the past year.
“This event celebrates 50 years of Sea Cadets training, developing, learning and becoming responsible adults; 50 years of community involvement, commitment, and proud representation of the Royal Navy.
“It represents literally hundreds of thousands of hours of Cadet participation, and leadership from our extraordinary adult volunteers.
“And that 50 years, those hundreds of thousands of hours, have all led to today, celebrating the achievements of this latest generation of extraordinary Cadets and Junior Cadets, and this group of dedicated volunteers.”
Expressing pride in their commitment, he told the Cadets: “Thanks to you, the next 50 years look very bright indeed.”
Awards were given for commitment, attention to uniform, self discipline and participation – with special commendation to Cadets who showed exceptional self-improvement and leadership potential.
Able Cadet Emma Sampson-Pitt received the Commanding Officer’s Award for Outstanding Commitment, while Able Cadet Laura Frith took home the top award of the evening, the TS Admiral Somers Leadership Award.
Other prizes given were:
Merit Point Award (Attendance) – Able Cadet Laura Frith;
Merit Point Award (Uniform) – Cadet First Class Oca-Ray Brown;
Merit Point Award (Discipline) – Cadet First Class Oca-Ray Brown;
Merit Point Award (Participation) – Able Cadet Phoenix Bowers;
Commendation for Leadership Potential – Able Cadet Madeleine Doyle;
Commendation for Most Improved Cadet – Ordinary Cadet Aydin Fahy;
Commendation for Most Improved Cadet – Cadet First Class Finbar Lohan;
Commendation for Effort & Commitment – Cadet First Class Noah Amaradasa.