PLP branch to offer soft-skills seminar
A workshop to help people boost their employment skills will be hosted by a Progressive Labour Party constituency branch today.
The free seminar is to focus on the development of professional communication and emotional intelligence tools.
The event, run by Constituency 28 (Warwick West), will also feature tips for successful job searching and an opportunity for resume reviews.
The PLP seminar is open to all working-age residents as well as students approaching working age.
Mischa Fubler, Constituency 28’s branch chairman and the party’s chief technology officer, explained: “The branch membership was planning our community engagement events for the forthcoming year and the desire to engage in activities that are more impactful than the typical neighbourhood clean-up, which we also plan to do.”
He added: “Based on the skill set of the branch’s membership, I thought hosting an event related to employment skills, mock interviews and resume review would be a good fit.
“It was in part inspired by experience volunteering with Beyond Rugby, a local youth outreach group that my employer supports.”
Mr Fubler said that a series of employment-related seminars was in the works.
He told The Royal Gazette: “The seminars will ultimately respond to the needs of the attendees but the current plan is to have successive instances of the employment soft skills that builds to mock interviews and networking with employers.”
Mr Fubler added: “Our branch members and other volunteers have backgrounds in education, IT, corporate services and finance management, recruitment, and tourism as well as small business ownership.”
The seminar will be held at T N Tatem from 7pm to 8.30pm in the Restoration Ministries multi-purpose room.