Importance of health data subject of upcoming talk
An annual science event hosted by the Bermuda College will feature a segment that aims to empower consumers to make informed decisions around their health.
“Mind the Data Gap: Empowering Consumers to Read, Question and Demand Better Health Information”is the topic of a free public forum as part of the college’s Roche Science Week.
Melissa Butler, who has carried out extensive research into health wellness, will speak at the event on February 12 in the Athene Lecture Theatre at the college at 6.30pm.
A spokeswoman for the college said: “Gaps in health data impact everyone.
“Patients may not have the full picture to make informed decisions, clinicians may lack critical details for effective care, and policymakers may implement laws without fully understanding their impact.
“Without evaluating how policies affect access to care or health disparities, opportunities to improve outcomes may be missed.
“Dr Butler will share relatable examples of how missing data shapes decisions at personal, clinical and policy levels.
“She’ll also discuss simple ways persons can ask questions and advocate for better information, helping to ensure smarter choices and better outcomes for everyone.”