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Island sees heavy rainfall after several dry months

Pipes along side Harington Sound in Smith’s drain the excess water off of the road during a heavy downpour yesterday.

This week has proved the old adage of when it rains, it pours.Following several months of dry weather, the Island experienced heavy rainfall brought on by Tropical Storm Bret.According to the Bermuda Weather Service, 1.75in of rain were recorded at LF Wade International Airport on Monday alone more than the entirety of May and June combined.The rainfall continued yesterday morning with 1.6in of rain reported.Tropical Storm Bret is expected to pass well to Bermuda’s north later this week.The Island is expected to miss the brunt of the storm’s force, although showers and possible thunder have been forecast.Despite this week’s showers, the rainfall to date this year is still far below normal.Only 16.5in of rain have been recorded compared with the normal year-to-date figure of 29.45in. Many residents are thankful for the tank water, however the wet weather has caused a few problems.Yesterday morning the heavy rainfall caused the Mill Creek Road area to flood, an ongoing problem for businesses there.The Ministry of Public Works sought Planning approval last year for a new culvert to help regulate the water flow in and out of the area.A spokesman for the Department of Public Works was contacted for an update yesterday. No response was given by press time.Ed Ferris of Tops Ltd described yesterday’s flooding at Mill Creek as “nothing major”. He said it demonstrated that the flooding problem still has to be resolved.“We heard a lot about how there was going to be work done, I believe in March, but so far nothing has happened,” he said. “I think since we haven’t had any flooding over the last few months people forgot about it.“Hopefully this will remind people that this is still a problem.”The Bermuda Musical and Dramatic Society’s production of ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ also suffered because of the weather.Scheduled to be performed outdoors in Victoria Park, the play had to be moved to the nearby Daylesford Theatre on Monday due to steady rainfall.Organisers said the show will still be performed in the park whenever possible, but would return to the theatre in the event of continued rain.As of last night, rainfall is being forecasted for today and tomorrow, with the weather drying as the weekend approaches.Useful website: www.weather.bm.

Photo by Mark TatemWaterworks: A drop of rain falls from the corner of an umbrella in Washinton Mall Walkway during a day much needed rain.