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Park Hyatt plans before DAB today

The Development Applications Board is expected to discuss plans for the controversial Park Hyatt resort today.The proposed hotel is listed for debate on the board’s meeting agenda.The concept of building a new hotel on the former Club Med site is widely supported however details of the plan now before the board has drawn hundreds of objections.Residents in the Old Military Road area have complained about a sewage treatment plant which, according to the plans, would be built near their homes; environmental groups have expressed concern about the scale of the development.Developer Carl Bazarian has said the sewage facility would be inconspicuous, producing no noticeable noise or odour, and the finished resort would be very Bermudian in design.Objectors and representatives for developers met with members of the Planning Department at Penno’s Wharf last week to discuss the proposal.The DAB was expected to make a decision on the application last week but decided to defer pending further consideration of the issues.